
[學士班轉學考B.A. program] 2024.04.10()口試-台師大東亞系113學年度外國學生轉學考口試公告



Interview Information for International Tranasfer Student, 2024 Fall Term

Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

B.A. program

1. 口試日期/ Date: 2024/04/10 (Wed.)

口試時間表:如以下所列。※皆為台北時間。Arranged in Taiwan time (GMT +8)

The schedule for video interview: as listed below.

【學士班-轉學考中文口試】B.A. program ( The interview is conducted in Chinese)


口試規則 Rules & Regulations for the Interview:

【現場口試Face-to-face Interview

1. 報到與口試地點:台師大校本部誠大樓9 東亞學系辦公室。

       10610 台北市和平東路一段162 台師大和平校區I 誠大樓9樓)

Location for registration:

Office of Department of East Asian Studies

(Cheng building 9F, National Taiwan Normal University Heping Campus I)

(162, Heping East Road Section 1, Taipei 10610, Taiwan (R.O.C.))


2. 本次口試將於東亞學系教室舉行。

The interview will be conducted in the Classroom of the Department of East Asian Studies.


3. 報到時請攜帶護照。未完成報到者視同失去口試資格。

Please bring your passport and report to the registration desk on time. Fail to do so will be seen as forfeiting the interview.


4. 不可變更或交換口試順序,敬請 準時向簽到處報到。

Changing and/or switching the order of the interview are not allowed, please report to the registration desk on time.


5. 未經本系工作人員告知或陪同,申請人(考生)不可擅自離開指定等候區。

The applicants cannot leave the designated waiting area by themselves unless told to do so and accompanied by the staff.


Should there be any questions, please ask the staff directly.


6. 指定等候區內請勿使用任何通訊設備(例如:手機)交談。

Talking and/or using any communication devices (i.e. cell phone) are not   allowed in the designated waiting area.


Violating this rule will result in deduction of the score for the interview.