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(大學部) 例: 經濟學原理, 個體經濟學, 國際貿易理論與實務, 臺灣企業的東亞經營, 跨國企業經營策略等課程; (研究所) 例 : 東亞區域專題研究, 東亞區域研究, 東亞臺商專題研究, 國際企業管理專題研究等課程; (通識課) 例: 管理與電影, 國際貿易英文等課程.
111Chen, CN., Hu, WH., & Tien, CL,Winning by making fewer errors? The effects of team familiarity on errors in teams,Sun Yat-Sen Management Review (中山管理評論),30, pp643-671,(TSSCI)
110Tien, CL. & Chen, CN.,The effect of R&D intensity, intangible assets, and marketing intensity on brand value: The moderating influence of national culture,Journal of Management and Business Research (管理學報),39, pp1-36,(TSSCI)
110Min, B.S., Chen, C.N., & Tien, C.L.,Firms' responses to corporate governance reform in an emerging economy from the perspective of institutional logics,Journal of Business Research,147, pp278-289,(SSCI)
108Luan, CJ. & Tien, CL. ,The Roots of corporate transparency: A mediated moderation model to predict foreign institutional investment,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,56, pp1024-1042,(SSCI)
107Chen, CN., Tien, CL., & Gan, B.,The postentry performance of business groups’ new venture affiliates,Australian Journal of Management,44, pp325-343,(SSCI)
105Luan, CJ. & Tien, CL. ,Where is foreign institutional investors’ efficacy? A transparency & disclosure perspective,Corporate Management Review,37, pp41-75,(TSSCI)
104Tien, CL. & Chen, CN. ,The power of momentum on firm performance: A myth or a reality?,Journal of Organizational Change Management,28, pp452-468,(SSCI)
104Luan, CJ, Tien, CL, & Chen, WL.,Which “green” is better? An empirical study of the impact of green activities on firm performance,Asia Pacific Management Review,21, pp102-110,(TSSCI)
103Tien, CL. & Luan, CJ. ,Is the magic of the diaspora fact or fiction? A study of Taiwan’s trade performance in the bamboo network,Emerging Markets Finance & Trade,51, pp234–250,(SSCI)
103Luan, CJ. & Tien, CL. ,Should the smiling curve frown during an economic downturn to enhance firm performance?,Journal of Management & Organization,21, pp573- 593,(SSCI)
102Luan, CJ., Tien, CL., & Wu, PH. ,Strategizing environmental policy and compliance for firm economic sustainability: Evidence from electronics firms,Business Strategy and the Environment,22, pp517-546,(SSCI)
102Feng, TT., Tien, CL., Feng, ZY., & Lai, PJ. ,Web site quality and online trading influences on customer acceptance of securities brokers,Asia Pacific Management Review,19, pp25-45,(TSSCI)
101Tien, CL., Chen, CN., & Chuang, CM. ,A study of CEO power, pay structure and firm performance. Journal of Management and Organization,19, pp424-453,(SSCI)
101Luan, CJ., Tien, CL., & Chi, YC. ,Downsizing to the wrong size? A study of the impact of downsizing on firm performance during an economic downturn,International Journal of Human Resource Management,24, pp1519-1535,(SSCI)
100Tien, CL., Chiu, HJ., & Chen, CN. ,Can firm size and firm age moderate firm behavioral momentum?,交大管理學報,31, pp101-126,(TSSCI)
100Tien, CL. & Chen, CN. ,Myth or reality? Assessing the moderating role of CEO compensation on the momentum of innovation in R&D,International Journal of Human Resource Management,23, pp2763-2784,(SSCI)
100Chen, CN. & Tien, CL. ,Taiwan DRAM Industry in 2009,Asian Case Research Journal,16, pp183-224,(SSCI)
99Tien, CL. & Chiu, HJ. ,The impact of strategic leadership turnover on governance effectiveness: The moderating perspective of industry effect,管理學報,27, pp337-354,(TSSCI)
99Tien, CL., Lo, HC., & Lin, HW. ,The economic benefits of mega events: A myth or a reality? A longitudinal study on the Olympic Games,Journal of Sport Management,25, pp11-23,(SSCI)