102 | ,探究驅動美國國會支持臺灣的因素,「東亞各國關係之演變」學術研討會,2013-06-01-2013-06-01 |
102 | Eugene Hung-chang Kuan, Yun-han Chu, and Jack Chen-chia Wu,Who Are Afraid of China's Rise? Northeast vs. Southeast Asia,the workshop on How East Asians and Americans View the Rise of China,2013-03-16-2013-03-17 |
100 | ,「台灣的選舉與兩岸關係:1996-2008」,2011年東亞區域發展國際學術研討會,2011-12-01-2011-12-01 |
100 | ,"Interest vs. Identity: What Shapes the Taiwanese People’s Preferences over Cross-Strait Economic Policy in 2008?",2009年東亞區域發展國際學術研討會,2009-12-03-2009-12-03 |
100 | ,「從國際關係理論看兩岸和平協議之簽訂」,國際政經環境巨變下的亞洲區域安全:第七屆全球戰略與台海安全學術研討會,2009-11-06-2009-11-06 |
98 | ,「僑民與外交:美籍台人的個案」,外交與僑務工作的新思維,2009-10-09-2009-10-09 |
98 | ,「台灣總統選舉與兩岸關係:從緊張到緩和?」,2007-2009 亞太和平觀察,2009-10-02-2009-10-02 |
98 | ,「六四天安門事件對兩岸關係的影響」,六四天安門事件二十週年座談會,2009-06-04-2009-06-04 |
98 | ,「經濟環境、國家認同、與兩岸經貿交流:2008年的經驗檢視」,台灣選舉與民主化調查2009年國際學術研討會,2009-05-22-2009-05-03 |
98 | ,「民主價值與國家認同:從台灣選民的層次看民主和平論」,國際關係學會2009年年會,2009-05-01-2009-05-01 |
98 | ,「台灣國內選舉對其大陸政策之影響」,重新檢視爭辯中的兩岸關係理論,2009-04-24-2009-04-25 |
97 | ,"Exploring the Effects of U.S. Taiwan Policy on Taiwan’s Actions toward China: The Early 1990s to 2004.",2008年台菲學術交流研討會:亞太發展的經驗與對話,2008-12-27-2008-12-27 |
97 | ,"The Taiwanese Voters’ Preferences over Cross-Strait Economic Policy: Origins and Political Effects.",2008年東亞區域發展國際學術研討會,2008-12-15-2008-12-15 |
97 | 關弘昌、耿曙,「經濟發展與民主:中國大陸的區域差異」,台灣大學東亞民主計畫寫作會議,2008-05-24-2008-05-24 |
97 | ,「民主化與對敵國政策:台灣與南韓經驗比較之初探」,國際關係學會2008年年會暨「台灣與國際關係的新紀元」學術研討會,2008-05-10-2008-05-10 |
96 | ,"Taiwan’s Democratization and China Policy: 1987-2004.",2007 年台灣政治學會年會,2007-11-17-2007-11-18 |
96 | ,"Why Did Cross-Strait Commerce Fail to Pacify Taiwan’s Actions against China?",文化記憶與社會創新-亞洲與世界的對話,2007-10-20-2007-10-21 |
95 | ,"Why Could Not Cross-Strait Economic Interdependence Stop Taiwan’s Confrontational Actions against China?", 2006 年台灣政治學會年會,2006-11-25-2006-11-26 |
94 | ,"A Time-Series Analysis of Cross-Strait Relations: 1990-2004.",「台灣經驗政治研究的現況與展望」學術研討會,2005-12-23-2005-12-23 |
94 | ,"Explaining A Peaceful China Policy of the Democratizing Taiwan.", 2005 年台灣政治學會年會,2005-12-10-2005-11-11 |
94 | ,"Cross-Strait Engagement vs. Nativization: A Perspective of the Taiwanese Voters.",「台灣民意與兩岸關係」學術研討會,2005-09-24-2005-09-24 |
94 | ,"The U.S. and the Taiwan-China Relations, 1987-1997.",Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,2005-04-07-2005-04-10 |
93 | with Fred Cady,"Reform or Die? Reform and Adaptability in Former Hegemonic Parties in Mexico and Taiwan.",Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,2004-04-15-2004-04-18 |
92 | with Fred Cady,Hegemonic Party Reform and Adaptability: No Longer Hegemonic But Still Going Strong in Mexico and Taiwan.,Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,2003-08-28-2003-08-31 |
91 | ,"A ‘Taiwan Model’ for China’s Democratization?",Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association,2002-11-07-2002-11-09 |
85 | ,「『參與聯合國政策』之形成:一個內部政治過程的觀點」,新生代論文研討會,1996-00-00-1996-00-00 |
82 | ,「新現實主義下的兩岸經貿關係」,第一屆台大政治學系學生論文研討會 |