
一、 活動宗旨
二、 主辦單位
三、 對象
四、 活動時程
1. 投稿時間及方式:即日起至民國113年4月21日(日)23:59止,請至《解凍格陵蘭》英文心得寫作暨發表競賽Google表單(https://forms.gle/yj3ZjnQDe7YYcQ7v7)填妥報名資料以及上傳作品,檔名規定為:「國社學院英文心得寫作_系所/年級/姓名」。【檔名範例】國社學院英文心得寫作_歐文所碩二王大美。
2. 心得發表日期:民國113年5月9日(四)12:00-14:00,相關詳細資訊會於投稿截止後提供。
五、 心得寫作暨發表內容
1. 字數
(1) 大學部英文字數限制:300-500字
(2) 研究所(含碩、博士)英文字數限制:700-900字。
2. 文體:散文。
3. 交稿注意事項:全文須以英文撰寫,稿件請用Microsoft Word軟體打字,文字採Times New Roman。標題為14號、粗黑體字,置中對齊;內文部分為12 號、一般黑體字。
4. 發表內容:請就心得的內容發表約3分鐘。
六、 優勝獎勵
七、 評分標準
1. 內容(切題度、完整度)35%
2. 語言使用 (用字、文法、拼字) 20%
3. 組織架構 (轉承語使用、邏輯組織、上下文連貫) 20%
4. 台風(音量、穩定度)20%
1. 參賽作品必須出自個人創作,不得有抄襲、代筆、原文翻譯之情事。凡違反規定者,一律取消其作品之參賽資格並繳回全數獎勵。若涉及著作權、肖像權之侵權或是其他不法行為,由參賽者自行負責,概與主辦單位無關。
2. 採用作品之作者享有著作人格權及著作財產權,並授權主辦單位在任何地區以合理方式利用、轉授權該著作進行非營利推廣之權利,且主辦單位不需因此支付任何費用。
3. 參賽者須同意無償授權主辦單位使用參賽作品,包含公開展示、上傳數位平台及任何形式的對外推廣,以達互相觀摩、交流學習之效。
4. 獎項由評審會議視作品水準議定,必要時得以「從缺」或「增加名額」辦理。
5. 獲獎者需提供主辦單位至少 1 張與主題相關之照片/圖片,其解析度需高於300dpi。
6. 主辦單位保留隨時修正、暫停、終止或解釋本活動及本辦法之一切及最終權利(包括但不限於更換活動、提前終止或延長活動時間之最終決定權等事項),相關內容如有變動將另行公告於國社學院網官方網站。
九、線上資源參考Harvard College-Student Stories NYU ABU DHABI- Student Stories - My Studies
雙語專任助理:陳綺婷|Tel: 7749-1055|Email: vickyctchen@ntnu.edu.tw

College of International Studies and Social Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University
2024 Melting Greenland - English Reflection Writing and Sharing Contest
Guidelines and Rules
1. About the contest:
To enhance the English proficiency of our students in the College of International Studies and Social Sciences, and to increase our visibility, we host a contest aimed at inspiring and strengthening students' interest and proficiency in English. By focusing on environmental and sustainability issues, students can deepen their understanding of international affairs and connect with the world.
2. Organizer:
The College of International Studies and Social Sciences
3. Who can enter:
All the undergraduate and postgraduate students who are enrolled in Spring 2024 in the College of International Studies and Social Sciences, including students from the Department of Chinese as a Second Language, the Department of East Asian Studies, the Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, the Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, the Graduate Institute of Social Work, and the Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism are invited to submit an article.
4. Submission deadline and how to enter:
(1) Submission deadline: 23:59, Sunday, April 21, 2024.
(2) Please submit your personal information and your finished article via the Google Form written below: https://forms.gle/yj3ZjnQDe7YYcQ7v7
(3) The file name should be Your Department Name_The Grade You Are In_Your Full-Name. For example: IHRD_2nd year_MaryJane.
(4) Presentation date: 12:00-14:00, Thursday, May 9, 2024, the relevant detailed information will be provided after the submission deadline.
5. Content and formatting style:
Please write a reflection in English after watching the documentary Melting Greenland, the content can encompass related topics such as environmental and sustainability issues.
Documentary link: https://youtu.be/lbzQcBmRXIE?si=ooTbOBk1oSoQSCPm
(1) Length:
a. Undergraduate students: at least 300 words but not exceed 500 words.
b. Postgraduate students: at least 700 words but not exceed 900 words.
(2) Genre: prose.
(3) The composition must be written in English. The title should be presented in Times New Roman 14pt font size, bold; the text should be presented in Times New Roman 12pt font size.
(4) Presentation: deliver a three-minute speech based on your reflection.
6. Prizes:
Undergraduate students:
1st place (1): $8000 NTD and a winner certificate
2nd place (1): $5000 NTD and a winner certificate
3rd place (1): $2000 NTD and a winner certificate.
Honorable mention winners (8): each will receive $1000 NTD and a winner certificate
※The place may remain vacant.
Postgraduate students:
1st place (1): $10000 NTD and a winner certificate
2nd place (1): $6000 NTD and a winner certificate
3rd place (1): $3000 NTD and a winner certificate.
Honorable mention winners (8): each will receive $1000 NTD and a winner certificate
※The place may remain vacant.
All the winning articles will be published on the CISS official website (https://www.ciss.ntnu.edu.tw/).
7. Judging criteria:
(1) Articles will be judged based on the following categories:
a. Content: 35%
b. Mechanics & Grammar: 20%
c. Organization & Style: 20%
d. Performance: 20%
(2) If the participants have the same score, the winner will be determined based on their score in the following order: a. Content, b. Mechanics & Grammar, c. Organization & Style, d. Performance.
8. Terms and conditions:
(1) Articles must be original works and must not fringe upon anyone’s copyright. Those deemed to be works of plagiarism will be disqualified.
(2) The organizer obtains authorization from the copyright owner without paying a fee, which includes publicly demonstrating the work such as online posting and publication.
(3) Based on the quality of the submitting articles, the organizer reserves the right not to award a prize or to select more than 4 winners from each program.
(4) The winner should provide at least one photo related to the article for the organizer to publish it on the website along with the article.
(5) The organizer reserves the right of making final decisions and adjustments for any defects or disputes related to the contest. Adjustments such as contest extension will be posted on its website.
9. Relevant Resources:
Harvard College-Student Stories
NYU ABU DHABI- Student Stories - My Studies
10. Contact:
If the document doesn’t answer your query, please contact the Bilingual Education Coordinator at the CISS, Ms. Chen. Tel: (02) 7749-1055 or Email: vickyctchen@ntnu.edu.tw